The Shattered Sea
In the mystical realm of the Shattered Sea, a world of floating islands known as Shards, adventure awaits those brave enough to explore its skies. Each Shard, from tiny outcrops to vast lands teeming with cities, is suspended by the magical power of Skygems. These enchanted crystals not only anchor the islands but also fuel the airships that navigate the heavens, making them the lifeblood of trade and society. The Shattered Sea, still healing from the devastating Last War, finds itself in a fragile peace. This century-long conflict fractured the once-united empire of Galifar into five distinct nations. Among them, the Breland Union and the Risur Hierarchy stand as dominant powers, their uneasy truce shadowed by an undercurrent of rivalry. The war left behind a legacy of veteran soldiers, some now mercenaries, others turned to banditry, all seeking their place in this fractured world. In this age of the Arcane Revolution, magical technology, or Artifice, has transformed everyday life. Low-level magic is commonplace, empowering ordinary people to perform extraordinary feats. Skilled craftsmen, known as Magewrights, enhance their trades with ritual magic, while Artificers push the boundaries of magical machinery, creating wonders that blend the arcane with the mundane. At the heart of this world, the Great Houses wield immense influence. House Cannith, masters of magical item creation, and House Lyrander, rulers of the skies with their airships and weather control, are among the most powerful. These guilds shape the economy and politics, their services indispensable to the people of the Shattered Sea. Your journey begins in the outskirts of Breland, in the modest trading post of Flint. Here, the remnants of law offer little protection, and opportunity beckons for those willing to seize it. As level three adventurers, each of you is driven by personal goals or the lure of adventure, ready to carve out your destiny in this open world. The path is yours to choose, the story yours to tell, in a land where the sky is no limit and magic infuses every breath.
The Desert Mirage
Embark on a journey to Scorpions Rest, a city of resplendence, an oasis cradled within the labyrinthine arms of a rugged desert canyon. As the sole beacon of civilisation for countless leagues in every direction, traversing to this sanctuary of sand and stone demands no small measure of courage and grit. Yet, those brave enough to conquer the arid expanse are rewarded with a bustling city teeming with prospects, where whispered secrets lurk beneath the sand-swept streets. One of you was guided here by a weathered parchment—an ancient map bearing little more than the city’s name and an enticing limerick—who could resist its call? Upon entering the sunbaked embrace of Scorpions Rest, tales and myths curl around you like the desert wind. One story, in particular, resonates with the city’s denizens, a tale of a city ten times larger than Scorpion’s Rest. A city that flickers into existence under the torrid desert sun only to vanish the moment you dare to look away. Some dismiss it as a hallucination, a phantom born from the delirium induced by the desert’s blistering heat. Yet others fervently believe in its reality, that this phantom city conceals impenetrable mysteries, forbidden knowledge, and unimaginable wealth—if one can but find the path that leads there. As you delve into the enigmas prevelant in the Sarab Valley, will you also unravel the truth of this spectral city? What trials await you in this arid land, a place as captivating in its stark beauty as it is deadly in its treacherous terrain? Will you master the desert’s ruthless challenges and rise to its daunting call? Or shall you join the lamentable ranks of those claimed by the desert, lost forever within its shifting dunes? Only time, and the fickle winds of fate, will tell.
The Fifth Crusade
The Worldwound is the greatest threat to all life in Golarion. A planar tear into The Abyss that stretches past the horizon, where an infinite horde of demons crawl forth and seek the destruction of the world. The Worldwound destroyed the nation of Sarkoris and let loose a ravenous demonic horde upon the world. Only the quick action of several other nations of knights, barbarians, and heroes stemmed the demon army and contained it within the lost Sakoris. For the next few centuries, crusade after crusade was launched into the Worldwound trying to defeat the demons, and they failed time and time again. Their greatest success was the Wardstones, a line of artifacts that stand sentinel along the borders of the Worldwound, barely managing to contain the demons. The fortified city of Crusaders, Kenabres, borders the worldwound. And the horns have been blown. The Fifth Crusade into the Worldwound is being called. A gathering of the most capable warriors, mages, and heroes are gathering in Kenabres in order to venture into the Worldwound and put an end to the demon threat once and for all. The brave heroes that join the Fifth Crusade will venture into a wasteland that contains horrors worse than anything mortal minds can comprehend. Before they go, the city of Kenabres holds a festival to honor these heroes, a week long celebration of life and heroism. You are six level three adventurers who have arrived at Kenabres to join the Fifth Crusade. For reasons of your own, you have decided to travel to the edge of the known world, to a place where most die a horrible death. Perhaps you were searching for gold or glory, perhaps you’re the lost heir to Sarkoris looking to restore their home land, or perhaps you just really hate demons. Regardless of your reasons, the Fifth Crusade will welcome you as brothers in arms. And if you’re smart, ruthless, and cunning… you might just make it out alive.